Sanitizing your MAM pacifiers is vital especially if you’re a new mom and you do not have any experience with baby products. Breastfeeding mothers switch the pacifiers often and give them to their babies for chewing. Pacifiers are helpful for babies in many aspects including as a prevention for sudden infant death syndrome.
Babies throw their stuff on the ground very frequently. Baby bottles, nipples, pacifiers and toys are full of germs so you have to be very cautious about your baby’s wellbeing.Deadly germs spread easily if you do not regularly clean your child’s stuff.
Sanitization of MAM pacifiers is a must if they are to be used safely.While it’s critical to sanitize any objects that come in contact with a baby, such as pacifiers and bottles, remembering the whole method of sanitization may be a hassle.
Because Mam pacifiers are made of silicone, sanitizing them is an easy task. Silicone material won’t be damaged during the heating or sanitisation process if we use a microwave. Microwaving MAM pacifiers is much more convenient than boiling or running them through the dishwasher for sanitization. Bacteria and other germs are killed during sanitization.
“Sanitization is a process that uses high temperatures, chemicals, or radiation to eradicate all germs on a surface or in an item so that it may be utilized for a certain purpose without the danger of infection being present.”
With either dry heat or steam, sanitising is the most often used procedure.
Can MAM Pacifiers be Sanitized?
Like other pacifiers, a MAM pacifier or MAM dummy may be sanitized in the same manner as any other. Because it is composed of silicone, sanitization with boiling water or microwave won’t be a problem.
Mam pacifiers may be sanitized in a variety of ways, including by boiling water or by using a microwave.
Why Do You Need to Sanitize MAM Pacifiers?
Sanitization of Mam pacifiers is necessary for various reasons:
The Mam pacifiers may be infected with germs or fungus.Pacifiers, dummies, bottles, changing mats, and everything else your baby could be sucking or biting also need to be cleaned and sanitised.
Because it is a pacifier toy, MAM pacifiers need to be sanitized before use.
Note: If you don’t sanitize your baby’s MAM pacifiers, you’re putting your child at risk for disease and other health issues.
How to Sanitize MAM Pacifiers?
Note that a separate sanitizing step is not required if you clean the pacifiers in a dishwasher that has both hot water and a heated drying cycle (or a sanitizing option), since this will automatically sanitize the pacifiers for you. Your baby’s crockery and pacifiers should be sterilized daily to keep them free of germs.
Precaution: If your infant is under 2 months old, was born preterm, or has a weaker immune system, sanitising is especially crucial.
For older, healthier infants, sterilizing feeding utensils may not be essential if they are cleaned thoroughly after each use.
Use one of the procedures below to sanitize MAM pacifiers, bottle brushes and wash basins before sanitizing them.
Always read manufacturer’s guidelines about sanitizing before you use any method.
Boiling Method
Add water to a clean saucepan.
On the stove, boil this water contained in the saucepan.
Dip the MAM pacifiers for 5 minutes in boiling water.
Use clean tongs to remove pacifiers from boiling water.
Caution: Tongs should be sanitized before use.
Steam Method:
MAM pacifiers can be sanitized, cooled, and dried in a microwave or steam system by following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bleach Method:
Use a clean wash basin for sanitizing.
Add 16 cups or a gallon of water in the wash basin. Now add 2 spoons of un-fragmented bleach in the water.
For at least two minutes, immerse pacifiers in the solution.
MAM pacifiers should be submerged to the bottom of the mixture.
Ensure that the solution is evenly distributed throughout the system and that the bottles are free of air bubbles.
Squeeze the nipples to remove the extra water in the pacifier.
Clean tongs should be used while removing the pacifier.
Rinse the pacifiers before storing these in a dry cabinet.
Note: As the bleach dries, it will decompose and pose no danger to your child. In restaurants, dishes are sanitised using this method.
Storing MAM Pacifiers:
Make sure the pacifiers are placed on a clean dish, napkin or paper towel in an area that isn’t exposed to dirt and dust. Before storage, let the pacifiers completely dry out in the open air. When drying pacifiers, avoid using a dish towel to massage or pat them dry, since this might spread germs to them.
How Often MAM Pacifiers Should be Sanitized?
Sanitizing feeding products on a daily basis (or more regularly) is critical for babies who are:
Younger than two months
Prematurely born
Have a weak immune system as a result of HIV, other immuno-compromised diseases, and chemotherapy.
For older, healthier infants, sterilizing feeding utensils may not be essential if they are cleaned thoroughly after each use.
What Is The Best Way To Sanitize My Baby’S Pacifier?
Now I have explained to you various methods for sanitizing MAM pacifiers. Here is the quick and the shortest method to sanitize MAM pacifiers:
Put the pacifier in luke-warm water.
Add some gentle soap in the water. Soap will remove any remaining food-stuff or germs and bacteria from the pacifier.
Or a moist wipe can also be used. Cloth, paper, or foam wet wipes are soaked in water before rubbing these on the pacifier.
After this, let the pacifier dry in the air and store it in a Ziploc bag.
How Long Do I Keep the MAM Pacifiers in the Sanitizer?
Using hot water to sanitize Mam pacifiers takes 5-7 minutes. For Mam pacifiers, sanitization in the microwave just takes three minutes.
Do I use a microwave to sanitise the MAM pacifiers?
Mam pacifiers can be sanitized by putting them inside a microwave oven (the steam method). Place pacifiers in the oven for three minutes at high power.
How many times, pacifiers need to be sanitized each year?
When not in use, pacifiers should be sanitized and stored in their original container. The main purpose of sanitization is to keep germs and bacteria away from the pacifiers and other baby products.
Never give an unsanitized pacifier to your baby; it will affect your baby’s health.
You need to sanitize your baby’s pacifier every 3 months if they are older than 6 months. However, newborn baby’s pacifiers need to be sanitized after every two weeks.
In order to keep your baby safe, disinfect or sanitize the pacifiers before using them.
Note: There is a persistent risk of illness if pacifiers are not sanitized.
Do I need to sanitize my baby’s pacifiers after each use?
Pacifiers don’t need to be sanitised every time they are changed. A soft cloth and some warm soapy water are an excellent idea for cleaning them completely after each usage.
Is there any recommended frequency for sanitising pacifiers?
Sanitization of pacifiers is recommended every three months in order to keep them safe and effective.
Do MAM pacifiers need to be cleaned in the dishwasher?
Dishwasher-safe MAM pacifiers are not available. So don’t put every MAM pacifier in the dishwasher.
Always read the manufacturer’s guidelines before cleaning the pacifier.
What’s the best way to clean MAM bottles?
You can sanitize MAM bottles by different methods. The most convenient method is by putting them in boiling water for ten minutes. You may also place them in an oven for 3 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Do MAM pacifiers last for a long time?
Yes, MAM pacifiers last longer. In general, MAM pacifiers last about six months.
How should pacifiers be stored after sanitization?
Pacifiers may be stored in a variety of ways after being sanitised. Put them in an airtight container or bag, for example. If you like, you may keep them chilled in the refrigerator.
Why can’t MAM bottles hold boiling water?
Boiling water should not be stored in MAM bottles. Yes, MAM bottles are designed for hot liquids, but that doesn’t mean you can start pouring boiling liquids in it. The bottle may burst if placed in a pot of boiling water.
Are MAM bottles self-sanitizing?
Sanitization of MAM bottles is not self-evident. In order to use them, you’ll need a sanitizer.
For how long, pacifiers remain sanitized?
When kept covered, pacifiers retain their sanity for 48 hours. It loses its cleanliness the moment it comes into contact with the floor.
In the last section, I have talked about the few FAQs by new moms about MAM pacifiers.
sanitizing MAM pacifiers is the same as sanitizing any other toy before giving it to the infant for the first time. Recently I got a lot of questions about how to sanitise MAM pacifiers from concerned mothers. This issue has an easy solution. Mam pacifiers had no troubles with the microwave procedure.
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